Care for our common home group
at St. Teresa's, Filton and St Vincent's, Soutmead, Bristol UK

Something to read

Pope Francis
on Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si')
Writing to your MP
How then shall we live?

Something to explore


LSM is a world-wide movement to inspire and mobilize the Catholic community to care for our common home and achieve climate and ecological justice, in collaboration with all people of good will.


Laudato Si’ Circles are small groups that meet regularly to deepen their relationship with God as Creator and all members of creation.
Together, they pray with and for creation, reflect on their ongoing ecological conversion, and take action.


The LiveSimply award is an opportunity for Catholic communities – parishes, schools, religious orders and chaplaincies – to answer the call for us to care for our common home and stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world.

The bishops of England and Wales have encouraged all parishes and schools to work towards the award as a way of “protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”.

Climate Change

Each and every one of us can do something about it


The Climate Coalition is the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action on the climate and nature crises. Along with our sister organisations Climate Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, we are a group of over 130 organisations — including the National Trust, Women's Institute, Oxfam, and RSPB — with a combined supporter base of 20 million.


"The Call of Creation"

The Social Justice Department of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has launched a new edition of its teaching document on the environment – The Call of Creation.

You can read or download the 27-page PDF here:


We are a community of ordinary Christians from all backgrounds and traditions. Inspired by our faith, we work to care for creation.

We do this through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.

We walk alongside those of faith and no faith. Join us.

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You didn’t come this far to stop


For people and planet

Join us on the journey to net zero

Take Action

Climate Stewards helps you to measure your carbon footprint, reduce what you can and offset the rest.
We work with trusted community projects which bring multiple local benefits alongside carbon mitigation.


Use our carbon footprint calculators for individuals, small businesses, charities and churches

Use our carbon footprint calculators for individuals, small businesses, charities and churches


Learn more about how to reduce your carbon footprint.


Compensate for your unavoidable carbon emissions by supporting our community carbon projects.



We are dedicated to spiritual and civic renewal, taking responsibility to build the Common Good

We are a national Christian charity dedicated to the renewal of the civic ecology by bringing covenantal thinking into church and civic life.

We believe in the sacred nature of our common humanity and that our mutual wellbeing depends on rebuilding social solidarity.

We encourage people to build Common Good in the place where they live, across different opinions and backgrounds.

Our work is to revitalise the churches through the meaning and practice of the Common Good, in order that they can fulfil their vital role in spiritual and civic renewal.

We work across the churches, as well as with other faith and non religious traditions. We operate through clusters of partnerships, and with the help of volunteers, associates and working groups, who enable us to punch above our weight.


The Laudato Si’ Action Platform, is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’. It equips the Church to achieve real and lasting solutions to the ecological crisis.

This ever-growing program, an initiative of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, supports participants to develop tailored Laudato Si’ Action Plans to accomplish one purpose: Concrete actions to protect our common home.

A clear path towards a better future. Every successful journey begins with a concrete plan.

1. Enroll for immediate access to tools that fit your needs, including guidance on the most impactful actions you can take.

2. Plan what you’ll do this year and in the years ahead.

3. Measure how your actions are making a difference.

To enrich your spirit along the way, reflect on the Laudato Si’ Goals and connect directly with other Laudato Si’ Action Platform participantWe’re driving “the radical change which present circumstances require.” (LS 171)